Filling the Gaps: Puerto Rico
Because I had visited Puerto Rico during winter, I knew I had left some Caribbean species on the table and would have to return during the summer months to add them to my Biggest Year list. The two most conspicuous species in this category were Antillean Nighthawk and Caribbean Martin. Both are migratory and disappear from the Isla del Encanto (“enchanted island”) in winter. There may be a few Martins that spend the winter (reported in eBird). But I was watching for them throughout my visit in late January-early February. They return to breed in April and remain common to abundant through the end of September, following a pattern that is similar for Antillean Nighthawk. As it turned out I added Antillean Nighthawk at the Marathon Airport in Florida in May so I wasn’t worried about that species. If the Caribbean Martin was the only species that could be added then a return trip to Puerto Rico would not be cost-effective. However there were several other rare species (Masked Duck, Yell