The Colorado Field Ornithologists Annual Convention, July 19-23, 2023
I picked up Cliff Hendrick at 6 AM, July 19, 2023, and we headed to the Mount Evans auto road, a two-hour drive from Fort Collins. This road is the highest paved road in North America, reaching the peak of Mt. Evans above 14,000 feet. We paid $2 for admission, taking advantage of Cliff’s senior discount to federally managed parks. We scouted the area around Summit Lake where I would return with a field trip a few days later. Bird diversity is low at high elevation. All we observed here was American Pipit, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch and a distant White-tailed Ptarmigan. We also checked the forests at the lower elevations for Cassia Crossbill without luck. One of the principal bird targets of the Convention field trips was Cassia Crossbill, formerly known as Red Crossbill type 9. This population was elevated to species status in 2016 after biologists determined that they were sufficiently distinct from other crossbill populations. Birders in the field can distinguish them from the other 11 ...