Touring South Texas
The Rio Grande Valley of Texas is one of the most exciting birding destinations in the USA and a Mecca for USA birders (and especially Big Year birders). Why? Because of its proximity to the subtropics of Mexico (only a few hours are required to drive to the cloud forests of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Tamaulipas, Mexico), the prospect of finding a Mexican vagrant is tangible. In recent years such strays have included Social Flycatcher, Bat Falcon, Stygian Owl, White-throated Thrush, Mangrove Swallow, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush, Black-vented Oriole, and Amazon Kingfisher. Some tropical species are becoming regular visitors to “the Valley” as it is known locally. For example, Mexican Violetear, Tamaulipas Crow, Brown Jay, Blue Bunting, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, Roadside Hawk, Rose-throated Becard, Tropical Parula and Golden-crowned Warbler have each occurred multiple times in recent decades. Some tropical species have actually expanded their populations...